๐Ÿ‘ฎ๐Ÿผ What is a Herculist PLUS safelist?

A safelist is a list of email addresses that belong to people who have agreed to receive mail from you. If you’re a pro or even if you’re just starting out, the safelist we highly recommend is and for almost 20 years has been HercuList PLUS.ย  Currently there is over 240,000 on the HercuList. Okay now that my shameless plug for HercuList is out of the way, on with the story…

The inboxes of Safelist members are often flooded with hundreds of emails every day. Occasionally these are from marketers who are trying to build their lists by offering downloads and other freebies, but more often than not the mailings are from internet marketers hoping to make a sale.

An Internet marketing safelist is a lot like agreeing to have your inbox spammed throughout the day, but the mailings are not spam since list members have agreed to receive them. Why? As a result, they are allowed to send their own mailings to the list

Some safelists require a one-time membership fee, but many are free to join. Others require a monthly membership fee. A list with both free and paid membership options usually allows paying members to send a greater number of mailings and/or mail to a greater number of members.

The majority of list members set up a dedicated (throwaway) email address to receive their safelist emails. We recommend you do the same. People who sign up with their main email address will soon regret it when a blitz of marketing emails makes it difficult to find their regular emails.

Sending daily/weekly mailings is all well and good, but many safelist members empty their inboxes without ever reading a single email. Therefore, sending a mailing to an Internet marketing safelist containing many thousands of members does not guarantee that many thousands of people will actually read it.

Because so many members are solely interested in selling, it’s understandable that some seasoned entrepreneurs might consider safelists an outdated way to market. Certainly, it’s easy to understand how they could have such an opinion, but some marketers are successful at building their lists and/or marketing their products to safelist members, so it would be unfair to discount Internet marketing safelists out of entirely. In fact we personally recommend safelists as the number 1 way to market just about anything you have to offer online. It’s also the best way to build your list. And you should most definitely be building your list, but that’s a topic for another day.

The best safelist and the one we highly recommend

is the HercuList PLUS safelist. To get details regarding HercuList and to signup free, simply click here and fill out our little form.ย  You can signup as a HercuList member free and you’ll even get an instant $5 bonus. If you have additional questions please feel free to contact us anytime. Thanks! -George ๐Ÿ˜€

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