šŸ¤‘ How HercuList PLUS Email Marketing Works!


Would you like to learn a bit more about email marketing? There are actually several moving parts to email marketing, but it doesnā€™t have to be complicated. Hereā€™s how it works.

You can not simply send out email marketing campaigns to just anyone. You have to have a list to send them to. A list without the right kind of people will NOT work either.

You can use HercuList, but ultimately you need to capture your own leads in order to continue to grow your email list. There are other options, butĀ Aweber is my personal favoriteĀ tool for capturing leads. In a matter of minutes, you can create stunning opt-in campaigns without any coding knowledge at all.

Using Aweberā€™s highly advanced targeting tools, you will be able to display the right campaign at the right time for the right people. Thus, you can drastically grow your list with quality leads and see huge increases in profits for your business.

The Best Way to Grow Your Email List

The most common used way to build an email list is to put an opt-in form on your website and hope people sign up. However, honestly it is usually not very effective to use this strategy. A compelling offer is KEY to growing your email list exponentially and a lead magnet is essential.

Exactly what is a lead magnet?

Lead magnets are freebiesĀ you give away in exchange for email addresses. The majority of lead magnets are digital materials, such as PDFs, audio files, or videos, which you can create at minimal or no cost.

As long as your lead magnet provides value to your visitors for free, it can be just about anything you choose. Here are a just few examples of lead magnets:

  • Electronic books
  • Tips or resources in a cheat sheet
  • Documents such as white papers or case studies
  • An online webinar
  • Samples or trials for free
  • Getting a quote or consultation for free
  • A quiz or a self-assessment
  • Coupons

There are endless possibilities!

Lead Magnets: What Makes Them Good?

You already know that a lead magnet needs to offer value for free. But what if you want your lead magnet to be highly effective as well? You may want to consider the following criteria:

1. A 600-page manifesto wonā€™t gain traction if your audience isnā€™t able to consume it, so make your lead magnet simple and easy to consume.

2. Lead magnets must provide actionable tools, skillsets, or useful information that your audience can use.

3. If products and services work well, people will continue to buy them. Lead magnets that are as valuable as your products and services will be successful.

4. If you have done your research on your prospects, you will have no trouble finding a lead magnet subject that solves their problems.

5. People love instant gratification, so give it to them immediately.

Making sales online is simply easier with email. The importance of email marketing lead magnet has been established, so in my next article, letā€™s discuss how to create an an optin form that converts like crazy. Itā€™s not as hard as you might think.

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To Your Marketing Success!
George BalekĀ šŸ˜€

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