πŸ’₯ How To Generate Leads & Sales with HercuList PLUS!

In order to become good at lead generation, you need to understand how it works and how to incorporate it into your business.

Let’s start with what lead generation actually is:

You generate leads by attracting prospects (potential customers) to your business. Advertising, content marketing, coupons, live events, HercuList and networking are all ways to do this.

Here’s an example of how lead generation works:

  1. Attracting visitors to your site can be done through advertising, networking, content marketing (blog posts), direct invitation, social media posts, HercuList, etc.

  2. Your ad, post, message, etc… should have a “call-to-action” (an image, button, or text) they can click on to learn more.

  3. As soon as a visitor takes the desired action, they should be taken to a capture page that collects their information in exchange for an offer. The offer should be of value, such as an e-book, download, sample, course, template, etc… The offer must be compelling enough for the visitor to give you their contact information for follow up.

  4. A new lead can be captured if your offer appeals to the visitor and they fill out the form.

You see, this is exactly how lead generation works!

Here is a visual representation of the lead flow process:

The short version: Someone sees your ad, clicks the call to action, fills out the form, and then they become a lead.

Your next step is to make sure you deliver on the value you offered, nurture the relationship and ultimately close the sale.

Remember, the best email autoresponder and marketing system in the world is not going to do you any good if you don’t have a way to get tons of quality traffic to it. The source I always recommend is HercuList.

As a HercuList member, you will be able to advertise your legal, non porn/adult material related website, system, program, product or service to a targeted audience of thousands of REAL people. Through their integrated email optin list, theZONE site surfing, and HercBlurb systems, HercuList PLUS takes email and Internet marketing to the next level. HercuList also includes an optional affiliate program, so you can start earning extra income right away. Get a $5 signup bonus just for joining.

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