🎃 Grow Your Email List With A Free Gift - And HercuList PLUS!


Are you interested in gaining more subscribers for your email list?

Website owners usually think the best way to grow their subscriber list is to add a Subscribe to My Newsletter form to their sidebar. Believe me, I know! 5,000 people viewed my blog on a monthly basis, but only 10 people joined my email list. That hurts!

What Do The Pros Do to Grow Their Lists So Fast?

In my search for advice on how web savvy companies build their email lists so quickly, I discovered that you have to give something to get something.

Grab my FREE e-Book NOW and become a millionaire over night!

How could anyone say no to receiving an eBook that teaches you how to become a millionaire? It must be something believable, of course.

I truly think that you have something that’s even better than the millionaire mentioned above… And that is the due to the fact you know your web visitors so well.

The first thing I did was step back and look at my blog readers. The majority of them came to my site to learn how to start a online business. I then decided to create a free report and call it 15 Of The HOTTEST Free Traffic Sources On The Planet! Then, I changed my newsletter sign up form to Get my free e-Book for by signing up for my newsletter.


My signups skyrocketed by 10X. The number of subscribers increased from a few hundred to over 3,000 within a year!

Instant gratification

In order to get someone’s email address, you must provide them with a compelling reason. Most visitors don’t really want to sign up for your newsletter since it doesn’t offer instant gratification. Usually, they have to wait a while before you send out your next newsletter.

You can give your readers something instantly if you offer them something for free, such as a PDF on a topic you know about.

The Reason This Works

Consider all the newsletters you subscribe to. Are there any of them that you subscribed to just to get their newsletter? Or did you sign up for them because they offered a free service, webinar, white paper, coupon, case study, ebook or a free service?

Using this exercise, I discovered that 23 of the 29 newsletters I subscribe to are because I want a free gift. The majority of them were free e-books or services. Yes, 29 is a lot. As an example, I receive a newsletter from Aweber because I subscribe to their service.

By now, I hope I have convinced you that a free gift will definitely lead to more subscribrs. The question is, how exactly do you do it? Here are the steps that will take you through if you follow them exactly.

Step 1: the first step is to decide on a free gift.

Free e-book giveaways work well for me and they will for you too providing they relate to your blog and are something your new visitors want. Find out what your prospective visitors want by brainstorming and getting inside their heads.

Here are three gifts that work well to get more subscribers:

  1. You should give away a free bonus chapter, video, or webinar if you sell an informational product.
  2. Offering a free ebook, PDF, or 20 minute consulting session is a great way to promote your services.
  3. You may want to consider providing a downloadable coupon if you sell a physical product.

Free PDFs or ebooks are great because:

  • Makes you look like a pro
  • Doesn’t devalue your product.
  • The document concludes with the opportunity to upsell your paid service.

Is writing an ebook or PDF a lot of work? Here are my top three quick tips:

  • Paste your most popular blog post into a Word document and save it as a PDF.
  • Invest in a PDF that you can license from a company like Forrester Research.
  • Discuss a favorite topic with a friend for an hour. Once you have listened to the recording, write it down. Boom!!! You’ve just made your first PDF.

Step 2: The second step is to set up your giveaway on your website.

You should create a landing page, upload your file to your server, and include a link in your confirmation email. By doing this, your free gift will be available as soon as someone joins your newsletter.

Step 3: The third step is to enjoy more subscribers.

The more subscribers you have, the more people will interact with your brand. The power of a larger distribution network is yours to enjoy.

What are your thoughts? Is this a strategy you’ll use to grow your list? Comment below with your thoughts. Thanks!

To Your Marketing Success!
George Balek 😀

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