💌 Creating Email Marketing Momentum with HercuList!

Creating email marketing momentum with is a very powerful and very simple way to make sure you are able to grow your business.

In this article, we are going to talk about how to create that momentum with HercuList and maintain it as your business grows.

Once you have your campaign set up (letters and capture forms) your next step is to begin driving traffic to your capture page or site. You will want to make sure you are doing this on a regular (daily) basis. This can and should be done through your social media accounts, HercuList and any advertising you are doing. The ads you set up, the posts you make, the tweets you share, etc… will live online for quite a while. It is a definitely worth your time and will eventually lead to signs of success!

The key here is “consistency”. Creating email marketing momentum happens when we are consistent. Doing a little bit here and there, from time to time, etc… will not create that momentum we need to get successful results. As you take daily action, you can begin to see momentum build up in your overall stats including lead count and sales. We use HercuList to email 235,000 opportunity seekers every single day. That email list continues to grow daily.

As your list begins growing, you will have those subscribers that decide to do business with you, subscribers who remove themselves, and subscribers who complete your follow-up series without taking action. When they complete your automated series, they are marked as “finished”. You will want to check your list about once per week and recycle any subscribers who are marked as “finished”.

This keeps your messages in front of your subscribers. Sometimes, we have folks that decide to join us months or even years after subscribing. And, of course, don’t forget to broadcast special offers, announcements, etc… to your readers as appropriate. This type of consistent activity will have you creating email marketing momentum over time.

Many get stuck on the driving traffic part of the equation. For beginners and even you pros out there, we highly recommend HercuList PLUS as your number 1 traffic source. The reasons are too numerous to mention in this article, but please click the HercuList PLUS link to find out more.

As always, if you have questions, please feel free to contact us any time. Thanks! -George 😀

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